Speed Boostr 2.0

2024-06-19T04:20:25-06:00September 30th, 2018|About|

Oh hey first did you hear, Speed Boostr is turning 1 year old in October. Nice! What started as a side project to dive into the depths of performance and optimize Shopify turned into… a growing collective of Shopify developers working to make Shopify sites (and the web in general) faster.

Speed Boostr 1.0

We used to only […]

What is the Best Optimization Package for Your Site?

2024-06-19T04:24:42-06:00August 3rd, 2018|About, Optimization|

All of our Shopify optimization packages include a core analysis and site wide optimizations that will lower your page weight and improve your load speed. It’s hard to put an exact monetary ROI on each service package (we’re working on this), but we do know from stats like this that page load speed […]