We build apps, custom features, and automated solutions.

If you want a problem solved contact us.

You can scope out our apps in the Shopify app store. For custom app ideas scroll down 👇

File Optimizer Shopify app banner

File Optimizer is a Shopify app that enables you to easily minify theme files with the click of a button.

Key features:

  • Easily minify CSS, JavaScript, and Liquid files
  • No coding or working in theme editor required
  • Creates backup files that can be reverted with the click of a button

👉 See File Optimizer in the Shopify app store.

Who this app is for:

  • Store owners that want to maximize site performance
  • Store owners that want to minify files without dealing with code
  • Developers that want to minify Shopify liquid files

Minifying files compresses them so they load faster. Faster sites have better engagement and rank better with SEO.

File Optimizer makes it easy to minify theme asset files.

The old way to minify JavaScript files on Shopify:

  1. Use an analysis tool to see what files can be minified
  2. Backup your theme files that you’re minifying
  3. Copy the code and paste into a minifier tool
  4. Paste the minified code into your theme file
  5. *If it’s a liquid file, separate the liquid and JavaScript code, minify the JavaScript code, then piece back together with the liquid code

The new way:

  1. Download the File Optimizer app
  2. Select your theme
  3. Click the Minify button next to the files you want to compress


file optimizer dashboard

file optimizer minify shopify files

file optimizer results

👉 Click here to check the app out and get a free trial

Tip Cup Shopify tipping app banner

Collect tips on your store with Tip Cup.

Key features:

  • Let customers add a tip
  • Customizable design to match your store
  • Use as a donation button too

🎉 Get Tip Cup in the Shopify app store.

Who this app is for:

  • If you offer local services like delivery
  • If tipping is commonplace in your industry
  • If you want to receive tips from customers

How it works

A customer selects a tip amount in your store’s currency then clicks the button to add the tip.

The tip is added to their cart and processed along with their order at checkout.

Check out the app:

add a tip button to your Shopify store

customize the tip button

dashboard status view

👉 Click here to get a 7 day free trial of Tip Cup

shopify analyzer app

We’ve analyzed and optimized hundreds of Shopify sites.

An issue we ran into in the early days was the lack of a good analysis tool specifically for Shopify sites… so we built the first Shopify performance analysis tool: the Shopify Analyzer.

shopify analyzer scorecard

General tools don’t care about your revenue, but we do.

If you try to get a perfect score on a general analysis tool you might end up uninstalling all your apps. Don’t do that 🖐

We built our scoring system based on actual optimizations you should perform on a Shopify site. Our scoring system is data backed by hundreds of Shopify sites we’ve worked on.

The app shows you what can be optimized on your site.

shopify analyzer details example

Analyze your Shopify site here: analyze.speedboostr.com.

Custom Apps

If you need a specific solution that isn’t in the app store, or want to automate tasks in your business we can build you a custom app.

Let us know what feature / functionality you’d like and we’ll work on a solution.

Here are some ideas and examples of custom solutions we can build:

  • Order processing – csv exports, custom emails, automated tasks
  • Bulk price update – update prices by type or tag, for set time period
  • Calculators – free shipping qualifier, total saved, etc
  • Product uploading – allow partners or customers to create / upload products
  • Related products – custom related products widgets
  • Design custom product – allow customers to design their own product. Here’s an example: Custom Mat Builder
  • Disclaimers – for example require users to check a box before adding to cart
  • Infinite scrolling – implement infinite scrolling on collection pages
  • Blog features – make your blog more engaging with custom features