We’ve optimized over 1,500 Shopify sites, built the first Shopify performance analysis tool, built apps in the Shopify app store, and are experts in Shopify development.

Run your site through the Shopify Analyzer and choose the services below to solve your optimization issues, or contact us if you need help or would like a free analysis.


  • Lazy loading
  • Minify CSS and JS
  • Image optimization
  • App check
  • Report
  • Guaranteed Lighter / Faster Site


  • Everything in Essentials
  • Preloading
  • App optimization
  • Server & error analysis
  • Deep dive
  • Report
  • Guaranteed Lighter / Faster Site


  • Everything in Entrepreneur and Google PSI Optimization
  • Core Web Vitals Assessment
  • Diagnose Performance Issues
  • Report
  • Guaranteed Lighter / Faster Site & Score


  • Everything in Entrepreneur+ and Conversion Analysis
  • UX Audit
  • Cross browser / mobile testing
  • Foundation SEO
  • DNS Upgrade
  • Report
  • Guaranteed Lighter / Faster Site

We use the Shopify Analyzer and WebPageTest.org to measure performance issues and load speed. Scores on general tools like Google PSI or the Shopify speed score can increase but we can’t make guarantees (unless you order the Google PSI Optimization) because those tools are not geared for eCommerce and are not based on actual speed. Read this post to learn about load speed for Shopify.


If you prefer individual services, mark them and click checkout.


Increase profits by increasing your conversion rate.

With our Conversion Analysis we test your site against 80+ check points on mobile / desktop, browser compatibility, and SEO. To see the workflow and sample, check the Conversion Analysis section in our CRO guide.

A single discovery or idea generated in our Conversion Analysis report can easily pay for itself many times over into the future.


  • UX Audit
  • Cross browser / mobile testing
  • Foundation SEO analysis
  • Report


PageSpeed Insights (PSI) reports on the performance of a page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved. PSI uses Lighthouse to analyze the given URL, generating a performance score that estimates the page’s performance on different metrics, including: First Contentful Paint, Largest Contentful Paint, Speed Index, Cumulative Layout Shift, Time to Interactive, and Total Blocking Time.

With our Google PSI Optimization Service we guarantee to increase your Desktop Score to 90+, and Mobile Score to 65+.


  • Core Web Vitals Assessment
  • Diagnose Performance issues
  • Guaranteed Performance Score
  • Report


Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web. Site owners should not have to be performance experts to understand the quality of experience they are delivering to their users. The Web Vitals initiative aims to simplify the landscape, and help sites focus on the metrics that matter most, the Core Web Vitals.


  • PSI Optimization
  • Pre-Loading
  • DNS Upgrade
  • Static Asset Optimization
  • Comprehensive Audit
  • Error Fixing
  • Report


  • Everything in Core
  • Inline Critical CSS
  • LCP Performance Tuning
  • FCP Performance Tuning
  • FID Performance Tuning
  • See Addons
  • Report


  • Everything in Plus
  • Async Load on Scroll
  • Mobile Redesign
  • Includes 1 page
  • Covers Desktop & Mobile
  • See Addons
  • Report


ESSENTIALS: Includes the core components of performance optimization on Shopify. This is good for sites without a lot of customizations or apps.

ENTREPRENEUR: This is our full optimization package. Ideal for sites that score a 0/100 on the Shopify Analyzer, have a theme 1+ years old with customizations, or have installed / uninstalled a lot of apps.

ENTREPRENEUR PLUS: Performance optimization + Google PSI Optimization.

BOOSTR: Performance optimization + Google PSI Optimization + conversion optimization analysis + foundational SEO analysis + cross-platform testing.

CONVERSION ANALYSIS: If your performance optimization is looking good but you’d like to improve conversion rates, the Conversion Analysis can help point out issues and recommendations to help your site convert better.

GOOGLE PSI OPTIMIZATION: Our team will focus on overall site speed optimization for both desktop and mobile, help increase your Shopify score, and address issues concerning Core Web Vitals.

CUSTOM: If you need a custom project, app, feature, or solution, contact us for a quote.


We optimize Shopify sites every day. We do our best to optimize yours as much as possible.

Most of our optimizations apply to most of your site (home, product, collection, blogs) – if the code is in the theme, we’ll be able to get to it.

However, there are limits to what we can optimize (we can’t control 3rd party apps, server configurations, or design choices).

We include a report and before/after stats with our optimization packages (Essentials, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Plus).

In most cases, we can make your site lighter and faster (measured using WebPageTest.org).

We can guarantee improved Google PSI scores if you purchase our Google PSI Optimization service. With this service, our developer will focus on overall site speed optimization for both desktop and mobile. We guarantee a score of 65+ on mobile and 90+ on desktop, provided your site does not use page builder apps, has excessive uncompressed images, or runs too many custom scripts.

To help manage expectations, we recommend reaching out to us for a quick site evaluation to determine if the guaranteed scores are achievable for your specific setup.

Yes, we take pride in doing quality work and giving excellent service. You can find reviews here: speedboostr.com/reviews and https://www.trustpilot.com/review/speedboostr.com

A lot of customers we work with end up being regular clients who come to us when they need any development work. We aim to build long-lasting relationships to help you achieve your business goals.

Yes. We use Stripe for payment processing. It’s the same company that handles Shopify Payments.

When you place an order your data gets encrypted and securely sent to process by Stripe. We cannot store or access your credit card information.

We’re a team of professional developers who love to code and take pride in doing quality work.

When we work on your site, we back up your live theme and work on the duplicate theme to prevent changes to your live site.

Thanks for asking! We build Shopify apps and custom private Shopify apps specifically for your store.

We’ve also done theme builds, migrations from other platforms, and custom theme features. The benefit of working with us is our optimization background ensures you get clean code and efficient components. Contact us with your idea and we’ll get a quote going.

Check out the rest of our FAQ section here: https://speedboostr.com/faq/

If you have any questions we’re here to help.