Some of the apps and services we recommend are affiliate partners. This means Speed Boostr could receive a commission if you sign up through these links.
We only recommend apps and services we believe in.
Affiliate commissions don’t affect the integrity of our content or recommendations. We share what works for us and our clients, and want your business to succeed.
Earning commissions through referral links means we can invest in generating more content and creating free apps (like the Shopify Analyzer).
In summary, we give recommendations based on what we think will help your business, whether there is a commission involved or not.
Affiliate Marketing
If you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing as a business owner, look into it as a new channel to reach more customers.
One way to think about it: You could rely on paid advertising / experimenting with ad copy, and dealing with rising ad costs… or you can work with partners and influencers in your niche that know and love your product/service, and will recommend to their audience.
If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing give us a shout.