We’re a Shopify optimization and development team based in the Wyoming Valley of the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Meet the squad here: speedboostr.com/about

Optimize websites, build apps and features, create automation solutions, and general development work. We’re a team of web developers with a range of experience. If you have an idea for your Shopify business, we can probably build it.

Yes. We have experienced front-end web developers and designers on our team.

Yes, we offer the following services available:

For SEO, please view https://speedboostr.com/shopify-search-engine-optimization/
For CRO, please check out https://speedboostr.com/shopify-conversion-rate-optimization/

For any other services, please feel free to reach out. We also have experts in our network we can refer you to if it’s out of our range.


To improve your site speed and performance, we begin by using our Shopify Analyzer tool: https://analyze.speedboostr.com/

It’s a free tool we built for the Shopify community and it’s geared specifically for analyzing performance on Shopify sites and gives scoring based on over 1,000 sites we’ve optimized.

Additionally, we also use Google PSI (https://pagespeed.web.dev/) to assess your site’s PSI scores.

Absolutely! We offer a free website analysis to assess performance and provide recommendations for improvement. Please send us an email at frances@speedboostr.com with your website URL, and we’ll promptly begin the analysis for you.

You can expect a faster and more efficient site, which enhances user experience. While the extent of improvements varies based on your site’s current state, our goal is to maximize speed and efficiency tailored to your unique needs.

For details check this post: What to Expect When Optimizing a Shopify Site

Our standard process for optimization projects:

  1. You’ll be assigned a developer to take the lead on your project
  2. We let you know the theme that we’ll duplicate and get your approval
  3. Once we have your go-signal, we will do all the work on this new duplicated theme
  4. The developer will communicate with you during the project
  5. We deliver a report showing an overview of what we did and the before/after results

The optimization report will outline all changes made to your site, including before-and-after performance results and any recommendations from our developer.

Our standard turnaround time for speed optimization projects is 5-7 business days after receiving your approval on which theme to duplicate. If there’s a queue or complications arise, we will inform you of the estimated wait time.

It’s best practice to only have one person working on the site at a time. We work on a backup theme so if you make any changes to your live theme during our process, you’ll have to apply those edits to our new theme as well.

Many of the changes we make are code-related, ensuring they are future-proof. These updates will automatically apply whenever you change or update your products and images, as long as you don’t alter your page layout or edit your theme code.

Our goal is to make optimizations that provide lasting benefits and the best ROI. However, some customers return for additional optimization work, especially after making significant changes, installing or uninstalling apps, or for an annual checkup.

If you only perform theme updates without editing the theme code, the optimizations should remain intact. Be cautious with themes that use an auto-update feature, as they may overwrite customized theme files.

Our guarantee varies based on the services you purchase:

Entrepreneur Service: We guarantee a lighter and faster site, measured using WebPageTest.org on a mobile LTE connection.

Google PSI Optimization Service: We guarantee a mobile score of 65+ and a desktop score of 90+ on Google PageSpeed Insights unless you are using page builder apps (like GemPages or Zipify), have too many uncompressed images, or are using apps that run too many custom scripts.

To help manage expectations, we recommend reaching out to us for a quick site evaluation to determine if the guaranteed scores are achievable for your specific setup.

We can guarantee improved Google PSI scores if you purchase our Google PSI Optimization service. With this service, our developer will focus on overall site speed optimization for both desktop and mobile. We guarantee a score of 65+ on mobile and 90+ on desktop, provided your site does not use page builder apps, has excessive uncompressed images, or runs too many custom scripts.

To help manage expectations, we recommend reaching out to us for a quick site evaluation to determine if the guaranteed scores are achievable for your specific setup.

We cannot guarantee that your site will load in under a specific number of seconds due to several factors:

  1. Measurement Tool: Different tools may show different loading times.
  2. Connection Speed: The speed of the connection used by the tool or user can impact loading time.
  3. Third-Party Apps: The number and type of third-party apps on your site can affect speed.
  4. Site Optimization: We handle this part to ensure your site is as optimized as possible.

If you have specific speed goals, we recommend starting with a site optimization (contact us for a free analysis). Once optimized, we can identify additional bottlenecks, apps, or design elements that can be removed to further improve performance.

Our optimization work covers both mobile and desktop devices. Regardless of the device accessing your site, we optimize the same code base, adjusting styles according to screen size to ensure consistent performance and user experience across all devices

Image optimization apps usually only cover image compression. Complete image optimization covers:

  • Image compression
  • Image dimensions (scaling images on the server instead of the browser)
  • Image file types (ex: use JPG instead of PNG for photographic images)

Image optimization apps can handle the compression of most images on your site, but there are areas they aren’t able to reach (for example, images you upload into your Customize Theme section).

For more info on image optimization check this post: How to Compress Images on Shopify

You might have “placeholder lazy loading” instead of “true lazy loading”.

Placeholder lazy loading has a small thumbnail image loading during page load, then the larger image replaces it when the user scrolls down.

True lazy loading doesn’t load placeholders. It loads the image into the container when the user scrolls it into view.

We offer 7 days of free support on any of our services.

We have thousands of satisfied clients, so to give the best ongoing service and respect our developers’ time, we also offer optional premium support to have a developer on a monthly retainer for support and included development work.

You can check out our monthly optimization packages here: https://speedboostr.com/optimization-plans/

Your main point of contact will be our project manager, Frances. She will oversee all communication and ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.

Certainly! Please reach out to frances@speedboostr.com to schedule a call with our COO, Jenn. She will be happy to discuss our recommendations, explain our process, and answer any questions you may have.

You may also book your call with Jenn directly here: https://calendly.com/jenn-previewx


Yes, we love building apps! We build private custom apps, automated solutions, and public apps. You can find our public-facing apps here: Speed Boostr apps

Yes, another favorite! We love saving time with software. If you have a repetitive task that doesn’t require human creativity, hit us up to see if we can build an automated solution.

Most likely yes. We work on Shopify sites every day and are comfortable working with the Shopify API, so we can probably build it.

Yes, we do. We have experienced front-end web developers and designers we work with. If you have an idea for a site/feature/ app, we can bring your ideas to life.

The timeline for a custom project depends on its scope. Rest assured, a timeline will be provided at the project commencement so you are informed throughout the process.

Absolutely! Please feel free to email frances@speedboostr.com with your project details. Our project manager, Frances, will share your requirements with our development team to assess the scope of the project and provide a quote for you.