We’re a Shopify optimization and development team based in the US. Meet the squad here: speedboostr.com/about
Optimize websites, build apps and features, create automation solutions + general dev work. We’re team of web developers with a range of experience. If you have an idea for your Shopify business, we can probably build it.
Yes. We have experienced front end web developers on our team + a designer we regularly work with.
Some of us have experience with these so feel free to reach out. We also have experts in our network we can refer you to if it’s out of our range.


You can usually expect a slightly faster and leaner site. Sometimes we can make major gains, it just depends on the current state of your site. For details check this post: What to Expect When Optimizing a Shopify Site.
It might change a little but we can’t guarantee any score changes because it’s largely based on the apps you use. The Shopify speed tool uses the same engine as Google PageSpeed Insights. It’s a general analysis tool that’s not geared well for ecommerce sites. Most engaging ecommerce sites score low on these tools. For more info + case studies see Shopify Speed Tool Analysis.

Our standard process on optimization projects:

  1. You’ll be assigned a developer to take the lead on your project
  2. We backup your live theme and do all work on this new theme
  3. The developer will communicate with you during the project
  4. We deliver a report showing an overview of what we did + before/after results
Depending on the size of the gig we can usually finish in 1 – 5 business days. Sometimes there’s a queue, in this case we’ll let you know the estimated wait time.
It’s best to only have 1 person working on the site at a time. We work on a backup theme so if you make any changesto your live theme during our process, you’ll have to apply those edits to our new theme as well.
We try to future-proof as much as possible by editing the Liquid theme code and using JavaScript when applicable. Generally the edits we perform are long lasting. We also deliver recommendations in the report to give you information for the future.
With our optimization services we guarantee a lighter and faster site. We use WebPageTest.org on a mobile LTE connection speed for benchmarks. To see average results, check the graphic on our Optimization Services page.
This is a good general tool to get ideas for performance optimization but it’s not good for eCommerce sites like Shopify. Your score may increase, but the scoring system is buggy so we can’t guarantee an increase. Most sites with 3rd party apps score low, but the score is not equal to actual speed so we recommend optimizing your site but also keep your revenue generating apps. To learn more and get other expert opinions, check this post: The Truth About Google PageSpeed Insights for Shopify.

This depends on a few factors:

  • What tool you’re using to gauge the speed
  • What the connection speed is of the tool / user
  • How many 3rd party apps you’re using
  • How optimized your site is (we handle this part)
If you have certain speed goals in mind I recommend starting with a site optimization (contact us for a free analysis). Once your site is optimized, we can identify any additional bottlenecks / apps / design elements that can be removed to further improve your performance. For the fastest possible load time, you can set up Google AMP pages. Here’s how: Shopify AMP Guide. We also set this app up as a service if you’d like us to do it.
Our optimization work covers most of your site and all devices. Regardless of the device accessing your site, it’s the same code base, just styled differently according to the screen size.

Image optimization apps usually only cover image compression. Complete image optimization covers:

  • Image compression
  • Image dimensions (scaling images on server instead of browser)
  • Image file types (ex: use JPG instead of PNG for photographic images)
Image optimization apps can handle compression of most images on your site, but there are areas they aren’t able to reach (for example images you upload into your Customize Theme section). For more info on image optimization check this post: How to Compress Images on Shopify.
You might have “placeholder lazy loading” instead of “true lazy loading”. Placeholder lazy loading has a small thumbnail image loading during page load, then the larger image replaces it when the user scrolls down. True lazy loading doesn’t load placeholders. It loads the image into the container when the user scrolls it into view.
We offer 7 days free support on any of our services. We have hundreds of satisfied clients, so to give the best ongoing service and respect our developers’ time, we also offer optional premium support to have a developer on monthly retainer for support + included dev work. You can check out our retainer packages here: More Services.


Yes we love building apps! We build private custom apps, automated solutions, and public apps. You can find our public facing apps here: Speed Boostr apps.
Yes, another favorite! We love saving time with software. If you have a repetitive task that doesn’t require human creativity, hit us up to see if we can build an automated solution.
Most likely yes. We work on Shopify sites every day and are comfortable working with the Shopify API, so we can probably build it.
Yes we do. We have experienced front end web developers + designers we work with. If you have an idea for a site / feature / app, we can bring your ideas to life.